In observance of Make A Difference Day 2009, many of District Eleven's Altrusans will be working to improve conditions in their communities. Some projects are brand new, others have become tradition, some involve collaboration with other organizations. Whatever the case, Altrusans are going to be busy, busy, busy. . .!!
Our newest project "Hope Reads" will be launched on Oct. 24th with delivery of gently used books for adults who are receiving treatments/appointments at the UCI Cancer Center in Orange County. Made aware of the need by one of our members receiving check-ups at the Center, we will help furnish the take/keep/return book shelves for patients using this facility. We have also applied for a Foundation Grant to purchase resource books for patients to check out information on their particular form of cancer.
Our club will be at the Santa Anita Park's backstretch area providing clothing and books to the families of the race track's employees.
This year, Central Coast will be participating in a service/literacy project that consists of remodeling the witness holding/waiting areas (adult and children) at the county courthouse. This project will include painting, installing curtains, replacing furniture if possible and installing bookcases/bins for books, toys, etc. Then books and toys will be provided as well and plans are to routinely check to replace/refill toys and books.
We plan to fill 45 backpacks with school supplies, healthy snacks and a book with a Halloween theme, crayons, and other supplies and goodies. Then, we'll deliver them to Mi Escuelita, a pre-school operated by a local community services agency, South Bay Community Services (SBCS), for children of families affected by domestic violence. Most of the children at the pre-school come from Casa Seguras, a battered women and children's shelter operated by SBCS. Our Club gave funds to Mi Escuelita last year and have provided raffle baskets for a fundraiser for Casa Seguras for two years. We wanted to do more for Mi Escuelita, especially a hands-on project. The children are some of the most at risk little ones in our community, havingbeen so negatively impacted by family violence. Our Club wanted to give them something that could belong to them, that could make them happy, and that could educate them as well. We are happy and honored to brighten their young lives.
For the second year in a row, we will partner with the Jewel City Kiwanis. On October 17, we will volunteer at the American Cancer Society's 24-hour Relay for Life in Glendale, CA. Over 300 participants will walk/run the track at Scholl Canyon Park for 24 hours to raise money for cancer research. Altrusans will assist Kiwanis at their mobile kitchen to provide food and beverages for Relay participants and supporters throughout the event.
For over 10 years we have participated in the local Maturango Junction Days by having a "Reading in the Park" event for local children. Members read books to the children and then each child gets to pick a book that they can keep. Each year we give away between 250-300 books at this one event. (J. Young (l) and B. Charlon (r) are pictured above.)
We are assembling hygiene kits which will be distributed by Dr. Sophia Momand when she gives physical examinations to people on Skid Row in downtown Los Angeles. She is limited in the number of exams she gives by the number of kits she has. This is a new project for us and promises to be very rewarding and badly needed in our community.
Oxnard Altrusans will be visiting the Shoreline Nursing Home in Oxnard, California. This is the second year that we will bring plants, candy and good cheer to those in the nursing home who never get visitors. Most of them are men who do not have families in the immediate area or no family at all. We intend to make a difference by helping to cheer them on this day.
We will be participating, for the first time, in HopeFest, which is held each year on Make a Difference Day. This year it will be at Tucson Electric Park, a stadium. Our participation will be to put on our puppet show for children, with tables of craft supplies for them to make their own paper bag or sock puppet. The overall aim of the HopeFest is to provide for needy families, with up to 200 dentists volunteering to give free dental services; approximately 200 free mammograms; and bags of groceries to be given out. Planners are expecting 20,000 people to attend. In addition to our puppet shows, many of our members are volunteering to help with the HopeFest activities.