The first of District Eleven's two PC & Internet Boot Camp classes was filled to capacity!
In response to a need within Glendale Altrusa, current DSB Editor, Sandra Moore, had been investigating computer training for several years. This year, things finally came together when Glendale member, Pat Zayas, recommended one of her instructors.
With help and encouragement from Dorothy Whitlock, District Communications Chairperson, we announced the class dates during our presentation at District Eleven's Conference in April.
Sandra spent the last few months working with Glendale Community College Instructor, Ed Bernard, to tailor the class to the specific needs of Altrusans. At Governor Ann's suggestion, the class was expanded to include all of District Eleven's Clubs and was offered as a Regional Training. This allowed participating Clubs to earn 3 Leadership Points toward their Distinguished Club Award.
Ed (c) is pictured, above , helping Barbara Winsor (l), Glendale Club President and Flo Diaz (r).
If you promote it they will come! Altrusans came from Arroyo Grande, Glendale, Arcadia, Los Angeles, Long Beach, and Anaheim to take part in this Regional Training! Participants included Past Governors, International & District Officers, Club Presidents & Officers, and several non-Altrusans. While their skill levels were varied, all brought an open mind and a willingness to learn.
Along with his TA, Ivetta, Ed Bernard helped participants develop their proficiency in the use of MSWord, email, and the Internet. Ed's easy-going style and relaxed demeanor made it easy for the participants to grasp new concepts and skills. Both he and Ivetta mingled with the class to offer personal instruction, as needed.
Dorothy Whitlock (background) watching while Melanie Hodges (1), Director and
Mae Porter (r) Anaheim Club President, discuss a project.
At the end of the day, everyone walked away having reinforced some of what they already knew and having learned a few new tricks. And just in case they forgot, they also took home personalized folders full of 'cheat sheets' and other useful resources.
The second class (
July 24) will include instruction on more advanced email functions, PowerPoint, and photo editing.