Call to Conference DSB

Friday, March 5, 2010

Done and done!  The last of the almost 600 February 2010 DSB's went out in this evening's mail. 

More than any other issue, this one was a group effort.  Belinda Berry, Conference Co-Chair, Melanie Hodges, Barbara Lindquist, Judy Sorensen and I are now BFF's.

When I had to suddenly go out of town, Donnalee Monninger led several of the Glendale Altrusans in sorting, labeling, assembling, and mailing DSB's.

A friend picked everything up the from the printer and my husband made multiple trips to the post office to mail bundles of finished DSB's and pick-up more stamps.

Definitely a group effort!

In deference to all the hard work that went into this edition, I think you should gently remove it from your mailbox, get yourself a refreshing beverage, find a comfortable chair and read it very slowly and deliberately.  Enjoy it.

We're all looking forward to seeing you at Conference 2010!

If you or any of your fellow Altrusans do not receive the DSB in the coming week, please let me know.